If you have no worries about driving abroad, then without doubt, it is best to organise American holidays yourself. Financial savings of up to 50% are possible over recognised Tour Companies.
Whenever you enter a new American State, a call to a Visitor's Centre is a priority. Here you can pick up free maps, discounts to attractions, accommodation vouchers and local information in general.
If you can travel at short notice there are often last minute discounts available on Teletex from the UK to Orlando in Florida.
Last minute flights to other U.S. cities rarely provide substantial discounts but shop around for the best deal.
For our Colorado holiday we tried the Internet site PRICELINE where you bid for your flight. They provide genuine savings but don't expect a huge discount.
Reduced rates are available in most hotels and a motels if you ask for them. Discounts coupons can be found in a free handout called " Traveller's Discount Guide" which can be obtained from Visitor's Centres or from restaurants such as "Denny's" or "Shony's".
If you intend to visit more than one Disney attraction then it is advantageous to consider buying Flexitickets. These allow entrance to more than one Park, sometimes with unlimited access but be warned, they are not cheap.
For other attractions, search around for the discount coupon that gives the best deal. These can often be found in the foyer of restaurants and motels.