VERA HURT (Nee Biggin)
Born 7th July 1916 in Sheffield
Died 31st August 2007 in Grantham.
These are the earliest photos I have of Vera. The first one was taken when she was 31/2 years old. The second was taken in 1925, aged 9. Her mother, Mrs Biggin, had made the outfit she is wearing and Vera won first prize in a fancy-dress competition.
In August 2015 I contacted Tricia, her daughter, in Grantham. She said she had some old photos I had probably never seen and would send them to me because they would be lost eventually if she retained them. I have now posted many of them on this Website. With these photos came a tiny photo album with many photos taken of Vera and her friends in1939.
Vera aged 23
taken in 1939.
Included in these photos was one which provided me with a fact I was not previously aware.
Vera had a sister called MILLIE, on the left. Vera is on the right and the lady in the middle is Mrs Biggin, their mother.
Tricia told me that her mother, (Vera) and Millie had fallen out and not had no contact with each other for ten years. Hence, this was the first time I had heard of Millie.
Tricia told me that all she could remember of her Aunt Millie was that she bred Boxer dogs.
I have some photos relating to Mrs Biggin that Tricia sent me so that I could copy them.
Another fact concerning my Aunt Vera and her husband, Jack, came to light in January 2016. About two years before Tricia was born they had a son who was stillborn. The baby was buried at a local cemetery shown below:
The Green arrow shows the cemetery, the Red arrow shows where I lived and the Blue arrow shows where Vera lived after they moved from Pomona Street. There was no individual burial plot, the baby was placed inside the coffin of an unknown person buried at the same time. Jack was so traumatised by the loss of the child he had a breakdown.