When I was 5 years old I joined my sister at this school:
Brinsworth Infant & Junior School.
I can remember very little about my this school other than my first teacher was Mrs Crannage.
Starting school meant school photos:
Sometimes I was photographed with Hayley.
We enjoyed our holidays very much:
Sometimes Nanny would go with us because she no longer had a husband. I can see three pairs of nice legs in the right hand photo.
Whilst at Brisworth Junior School I learned to play the Recorder then moved on to something at little harder, the guitar:
Once, in the school hall I played to an audience of parents and pupils. The piece of music I played was a Russian folk dance called KALINKA
To hear the song just click on the very small
> on the bar on the left below.
Alternative link to song click clink clink
On January 11th 1978 I moved to a new home with my family. This was to 30 St Quentin Rise, Bradway.
This meant a change of school and I joined Sir Harold Jackson school.
At this age I developed a very strong love of animals - very small ones:
When I was at Brinsworth I bought home the class gerbil to look after during the holidays. The little thing died on me and my parents had to buy another to take back to school'
The next animal was a little larger:
I desperately wanted a horse but it was not to be.
I had to settle for something less. I'm riding up the path behind our house at Bradway with my friend Joanne Wright. The horse belonged to another friend called Nicky Beardow whose parents ran the Bradway pub.
More school photos:
Out and about:
This photo was taken at Rother Valley Water Park
Our best holidays were spent here:
Our Ford Anglia and been sold after giving us 9 years of service and we had something larger:
A Mark 111 Ford Cortina.
Getting older now:
I seem to have sprouted big doggy-ears. I'll not mention anything else sprouting.
And yet another car we travelled to the Isle of Wight in was :
A Mark 1V Ford Cortina which pulled a trailer with all our camping gear in. We were still meeting up every Spring Bank holiday with the same friends. Much of our time was spent in the outdoor swimming pool and the site's clubhouse where we danced and played darts. There was even an annual football match between the lads and their fathers.
It was at this site in1983 when I was 15 that a met my first boyfriend:
This was Roy. He was only a holiday boyfriend because we lived so far apart and to make matters worse I had to share him with my sister, Hayley:
Around this time of my life Hayley and I attended gymnastic classes. We became very proficient at trampolining.
That's us on them at the Isle of Wight. At this age doing the "splits" was very easy for me.
All our previous holidays had been in this country but that was about to change.
My mum pressurised dad into organising a holiday abroad and it turned out to be something special. To see what happened either click on No. 11 (1981)in dad's 100 Things to see and do or CLICK HERE
Here am am aged 14:
The photo was taken at a hotel in 1982 whilst we were on holiday at Blackpool.
At this time my sister and I were pretty good at roller-skating:
We persuaded mum and dad to have a go:
They were not very good and needed support.
We were even better with ice-skates on our feet and we took part in a show at the Sheffield Ice- Arena and danced to the song "When the red, red robin..... "
It was now time for me to start thinking about getting at job:
Now let's see. Shall I be a model? In reality I chose a much less glamorous career.
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