Hazel was born on 3rd September 1946

She was my cousin, the first child of Herbert and Beatie Jackson.

This photo was taken in 1947.

Here she is 7 years old. Nine years later she would be a bridesmaid at our wedding.

Hazel married Christopher Adams. The couple went to live in Leeds and then moved to York.

The marriage eventually failed and they were divorced in 1990.

She met a new partner, Graham George and lived with him at 5 Danefield Terrace, Otley. Leeds. Tele: 01943 461417

Her career was in education where she was a teacher.

Unfortunately, Hazel seemed to carry a gene that brought an early death to some family members on my father's side. Just like her Grandfather, her father and my father, Hazel suffered a sort of stroke which took her life. All of them in their mid 50's.

I attended her funeral with my cousin, Malcolm McLean, on the 31st July 2002. Hazel was childless.