His first words were "BATMAN"
During his early life he was quite podgy and did not walk until he was 15 months old.
He was just
learning to walk here.
He may have been late walking but early at learning to drive;
During early childhood he had relatively good health picking up just Measles, Chicken Pox and Mumps.
His first home was 10 Godric Drive, Brinsworth, Rotherham, England:
Being the first born he had many toys and a strong personality:
He was reluctant to move from his cot to a proper bed and did so only when it was pretended that his cot was broken.
He had a nearby friend called John Ifield whose father was a coal-miner. Like many miners they had free coal delivered to their house and Dean used to help move it to a storage bunker.
This is how he used to come home.
Around this age he acquired many amusing habits that he was unaware of;
He used to squeak like a guinea pig, he would repeatedly curl up his top lip and had a funny habit of pinching his nose. He would do this constantly when playing football and would always come home with a black nose.
He would, however, scrub up quite well.
And then there were two, along came his first sister:
Hayley Marie
Dean's first school was :
Brinsworth Manor Infant School.
He had already acquired a second sister :
They look very happy together.
By now he had started to lose his "puppy fat":
He used to hate going to the barbers and his Mum had terrible problems getting him to sit still in the chair. As he grew older visits to the barbers diminished and his hair was very long.
He went through a phase of "sleepwalking". His father once went downstairs at 1am and found him eating breakfast cereal in the dark. On another occasion when on a camping holiday he had to be pulled back into the tent by his feet whilst he was crawling under the tent side in his sleep.
He was now attending Brinsworth Comprehensive school. In November 1977 at the age of 12 he had a second move of home:
To No. 30 St Quentin rise, Bradway, Sheffield.
At the age of 17 he passed his driving test at the second attempt and shared his mother's Allegro car
When he was about 19 he met his first girlfriend whilst following his favourite football team, ROTHERHAM UNITED.
She was Susan Goodhall, who lived in nearby Wickersley. When they met the team were playing Grimsby Town away at Blundell Park
His working career began at LAYCOCK ENGINEERING on Archer Road Sheffield. They were a long-established firm who made overdrives for gearboxes, clutches and garage equipment. The company provided Dean with a first-class apprenticeship.
After his engagement to Sue he married her on 23rd May 1987:
They were married at St Alban's Church, Wickersley
The reception was held in a marquis on the garden of Sue's parents' home.
With the help of an endowment mortgage they purchased this home for £19,475:
22, Sunnybank Crescent, Brinsworth, Rotherham.
Dean maintained a strong relationship with his Nan Hilda Jackson who idolised all her three grandchildren.
The marriage of Dean brought two children:
LAUREN on 28th May 1990 and RACHEL on 28th June 1992.
Dean's employer, Laycock Engineering, was now in trouble. Orders for overdrives were drying up and the firm closed down in October 1992.
Fortunately, in March, he already secured another job at KOYO BEARINGS LTD, near Barnsley.
Towards the end of the 1990's Dean's relationship with Sue deteriorated and on 14th September their marriage was dissolved.
Sue and the children moved out of the house and Dean continued with an increased mortgage so that an acceptable split of their estate could be completed.
For the next few years Dean lived alone. His two main hobbies were his football team and an affinity with an Internet Chat Room called Irish Chat. He had a local relationship with a girl called Colleen which finished in March 2003.
He had two other hobbies that took up a lot of his spare time and both were related to his computer:
1. Downloading music from two sites called Napster and Kazar and.
2. Playing Internet poker for free and for cash on a site called U. Bet. He became quite a good player and accumulated some winnings.
One of the girls he used to chat to on the Internet was called Anne. She was married with three children and lived in Chicago.
They were just friends for a couple of years and then their relationship became more serious despite the distance between them.
Anne's marriage had problems and she was unhappy. On 3rd March 2004 Dean visited Chicago and they met for the first time.
They found they were compatible and Dean went back to Chicago again in December booked a motel and stayed for Christmas.
By now Anne had filed for divorce and at Easter 2005 she came over to England to meet up with Dean again.
He decided that his future now lay with Anne in America and began procedures to emigrate.
He applied to the US Embassy in London for a visa, put his house up for sale and went to stay with his parents.
On May 1st he made an attempt to emigrate but was stopped in Dublin and sent back to England because his visa application had not been finalised. On 6th July 2006 he made another attempt and was successful. It was a very stressful time for them both because the date of their wedding had been set for 28th July. He managed to get there with 3 weeks to spare.
With the wedding now on, Dean's parents, his two daughters, Lisa and her two children travelled over to be with him.
His best man, Mark ,a colleague from his workplace in England, also went over.
Dean and Anne were married on 28th July 2008 at the Silver Lake Country Golf Club, Orland Park, Illinois:
To see more of their wedding :
In July 2008 Dean made the 3,000 miles trip and came back to England to see his daughters and parents.
Here he his with Lauren and Rachel outside his parent's home.
And below he is with some of his family having a Chinese meal:
The Beijing on Bocking Lane, Sheffield.
In October 2009 he came over to England again but this time in unusual and very surprising circumstances.
It was his father's 70th birthday on Halloween and his wife Jackie had secretly arranged a meal out at the same restaurant above. She had invited several friends who Tony had not seen for years. Neither of Dean's parents knew he had come over to surprise them.
To see what happened - CLICK HERE
While he was over here we visited our local Indian restaurant:
After returning home he had an accident at work. He got his hand "bitten" by one of the machines he maintains: